Terms and Conditions

Customer Terms of Service
Any Production Limited (hereinafter referred to as the company) provides services on this website (https://anyproduction.net/) (hereinafter referred to as the service) in accordance with the terms of service. In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, please be sure to read the terms carefully.

When you use this service, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of the terms of service (including existing and future derived service items). The company reserves the right to modify or change the content of the terms of service at any time, When the company makes major revisions to the regulations on the use of personal data, we will post a notice on the webpage to notify you of the relevant matters. Your continued use of this service after any revision or change is deemed to have been read, understood and agreed to Such amendments or changes. If you do not agree to the above-mentioned revision or update of the terms of service, or your country or region excludes any other agreement in the terms of service, you should immediately stop using the service on your own initiative.

Registration Obligations of Members
In order to use this service, you agree to the following:

In order to ensure the rights and interests of both parties, please provide your own correct, latest and complete information according to the prompts of this service registration form, and you are not allowed to register as a member in the name of a third party.
Each member can only register and log in to one account, and repeated registration and login are not allowed.
Maintain and update your personal information in real time to ensure its correctness and completeness in order to obtain the best service.
If you provide any wrong or untrue information, the company has the right to immediately suspend or terminate your account without prior notice, and refuse you to use all or part of this service.

Member account, password and security
If the customer registers as a member of Any Production Limited through the company, the member account is an email, which must be filled out in detail. The aforementioned registration account number and password cannot be logged in repeatedly. When the customer registers, he must fill in the correct personal information. If there is a false login, The company may suspend or terminate your customer qualification, and if there is any violation of the relevant laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, it will also be investigated according to law.

After completing the registration process for this service, you will receive a password and account number. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality and security of your password and account. You will be fully responsible for all actions performed using this password and account. You agree to the following:

(a) When your password or account is used without authorization, or any other security issues occur, you will immediately notify Any Production Limited
(b) Log out of your account every time the connection is completed. Any Production Limited cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision.

The customer should keep the password properly, and should not disclose or provide the password to a third party to know or use; all behaviors performed by using the service with the same customer account number and password will be considered as the customer’s own behavior, and should be regulated by the customer. The customer is legally responsible.

If the customer finds or suspects that a third party is using its customer account number or password, it should immediately notify the company, and the company will take necessary preventive measures. However, the legal responsibility that the customer should bear before the notification is not exempted by the notification.

Member behavior
You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, audio, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials (“Content”), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are provided by the preceding “Content” the responsibility of the In other words, you, and not Any Production Limited, will be solely responsible for the Content you upload, post, email or transmit via the Service. Any Production Limited has no control over the Content posted via the Service and therefore does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of the Content posted above. You understand that when using this service, you may be exposed to unpleasant, inappropriate and disgusting “content”. Under no circumstances shall Any Production Limited be responsible for any Content, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any Content, as well as any loss or damage arising from posting, emailing or transmission via the Service.

You agree not to use the Service for the following purposes:
1. Upload, post, email or transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, infringing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, invasive of another’s privacy, harmful or racially discriminatory or morally objectionable ” content”.

2. Harm minors in any way.

3. Impersonating any person or organization, including but not limited to Any Production Limited executives, authors, forum leaders, moderators, or falsely stating or falsely claiming a relationship with any person or organization.

4. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifying information in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Service.

5. Upload, post or otherwise upload, post or otherwise transmit any “Content” that you do not have the right to transmit under any law or contract or relationship of trust (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed due to employment relationships and pursuant to confidentiality agreements) send.

6. Upload, post or otherwise transmit Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right (hereinafter referred to as “right”) of any person.

7. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any advertising letters, promotional materials, “spam”, “spam”, “chain letters”, “direct marketing” or any other form of solicitation.

8. Posting, uploading, emailing or otherwise transmitting any material designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication equipment, software viruses or other computer codes, files and programs.

9. Interfere with or destroy the service or servers and networks connected to the service, or fail to comply with the regulations, procedures, policies or norms of the network connected to the service.

10. Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, national or international regulations, as well as any provisions having the force of law.

11. Collect and store personal data of other users; this is not included if the relevant personal data is properly stored and used in accordance with the relevant personal data protection regulations.

Protecting Children and Youth
It has become an inevitable trend for children and teenagers to surf the Internet. Gaining knowledge from the Internet can also cultivate their maturity and competitiveness. However, there are indeed messages on the Internet that are not suitable for children and teenagers, such as pornographic and violent messages , children and young people may be harmed mentally and physically; therefore, in order to ensure the safety of children and young people using the Internet and avoid violations of privacy rights, parents (or guardians) should fulfill the following obligations:

First check whether each website has a privacy policy to protect personal data, and then decide whether to agree to submit relevant personal data; and continue to remind children and young people not to disclose any information about themselves or their family members (including name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) Mailbox, photo, credit card number, etc.) to anyone. It is also not allowed to accept invitations or gifts from netizens alone to meet them.
Carefully choose suitable websites for children and teenagers to browse. Children under the age of twelve should be accompanied by them at all times when surfing the Internet, and teenagers over the age of twelve but under the age of eighteen should also consider whether to give consent before surfing the Internet.

promotional information
Any Production Limited / third party has the right to send advertisements and promotional materials to users. Such information may be sent to the email address registered by the user with Any Production Limited, etc. Such advertising materials may come from third parties other than Any Production Limited, so Any Production Limited is not responsible for the content of such advertising materials, and the user agrees that Any Production Limited is not responsible for this.

Intellectual Property Protection
You must recognize that the content provided on this website, including but not limited to: text, files, music, sound files, photos, videos, graphics or advertising content is only for you to browse online, and is not protected by copyright, trademark, patent or Other intellectual property legal protection. You may download content protected by intellectual property rights only for personal or non-commercial use. You must save the complete content, and without the consent of this website, you are not allowed to reproduce, copy, distribute or produce works derived from the downloaded content.

Derived from or derived from your provision, posting or transmission of the Service through the Service, your use of the Service, your connection to the Service, your violation of the Terms of Service, or your infringement of any rights of others. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Any Production Limited and its subsidiaries, branches, directors, agents, joint vendors or other partners and employees resulting from any third party claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

You understand the borderless nature of the Internet and agree to abide by all relevant local regulations on online behavior and acceptable “content” regulations. You specifically agree to comply with all relevant laws regarding the export of technical or personal data from Hong Kong or the country or region in which you reside.

Modification of terms
The Any Production Limited website reserves the right to modify and terminate the service at any time, regardless of short-term or long-term and with or without prior notice to you. You agree that the company name website shall not be responsible to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or termination of service.

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